One morning last week we heard feet crunching in the gravel near our rig. A lot of feet. We also heard voices that seemed pretty loud for 7 a.m. and mentioned it to each other, but didn't think a whole lot more about it -- until we found out the Fam Camp burros had been lounging on our campsite.
And no, the voices we heard were not those of the burros. They were our Fam Camp neighbors talking about (and then chasing away) the burros relaxing on the cement patio near our door.
I didn't even notice the burros until about 7:30. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash out the window and looked up to see someone a couple of rigs over taking a photo with the camera aimed (I thought) at our bathroom window. About 10 seconds later the real subject of the photo appeared: a burro. And then another. And another, another, and another. Three pretty good sized burros with two babies were causing the camp discussion and the picture taking.
I grabbed my camera and joined the crowd. Turns out the burros had not only been hanging out near our rig, but were also drinking from a bucket of water in which I was soaking rocks I'd collected during my rock hounding expedition.
The next day the base police rounded up the burros and gently chase them off. One officer said he'd rather remove rattle snakes because he has some sort of "snake catcher" implement. Personally, I'd rather deal with burros.
Anyway, after the burros were gone, one of officers jokingly said "Move along, nothing to see here."
A mama burro and her baby in front of a rig that is kitty-corner from our rig. |
Cooper guards the rig. When he first saw the burros, Cooper barked. They ignored him and then he returned the favor.
After checking out our Class C motor home, the burros apparently decided to get a closer look at a 5th wheel. |
Jim and I would like to take this one back to Salt Lake, but I'm afraid she'd brutalize our lawn. |
After touring the Fam Camp, the five burros slowly made their way to an area where equipment is being stored.
The next day a police office opened the burro escape gate next to our rig.
One officer blocked the road with his truck, while the other one herded the burros out the gate.
The police shut the gate and Voila! No more burros. Until next time. |