I can’t get Jim -- whose only foible is that he corrects my pronunciation -- to stop saying “Ill -i- noise.” Now I think he’s doing it just to irritate me. Or maybe it’s because we’re in Bourbonnais, Illinois and that’s just too many silent s’s to handle.
Boubonnais is about 60 miles south and slightly west of Chicago. It seems like a hopping little town and is the home of the Chicago Bears summer training camp. Nearby Kankakee, however, which is mentioned in the song “City of New Orleans” by Arlo Guthrie, has seen better days. In 1999, it was rated last by Places Rated Almanac (actually it was all of Kankakee County and not just the city) so I guess none of those better days happened in 1999 or, maybe since then.
But the park we’re at -- Kankakee River State Park -- is nice. It’s big and shady and has a good walking/bike path. And a nearby river is always a plus.
OK. OK. I'll settle for a cardboard stand-up of the two of you in these shots.